Glass Service Center gives free estimates in the local area and over the phone.
In most cases, we will need to have the size (length and width) of the glass, thickness and quantity.
We will be happy to cut customer’s glass, but we cannot guarantee that it will not break.
Single Strength glass is the most common and it is 1/16″ thick.
For small tabletops, 1/4″ plate is usually used. For bigger and more delicate tables, customers may order 3/8″ thick glass.
Glass Service Center prices glass by the square foot.
The most common glass sold here is Plate Glass, which is available in clear, gray or bronze and is available in 1/16″, 1/8”, 3/16”’ and 1/4”. We can also special order other thicknesses.
Edge work does two things: (a) it takes the sharp off the glass and (b) it gives presentation to the glass.
We offer four types of edge work:
Seamed Edge – This edge is ground just to remove sharpness. This is not a decorative edge and is used primarily for safety purposes where the glass or mirror edge will not be visible.
Ground Edge – The edge is finely ground straight. The finish has an opaque milky look and is used as a decorative edge when economy is important.
Polished Edge – A highly polished straight edge. This is a glossy decorative finish commonly used for tabletops and shelving.
Pencil-Polished Edge – A highly polished edge with a slight radius. This is a glossy decorative finish commonly used for tabletops and shelving.
We can special order glass or mirror with many different types of specialty edges. Bevels range in width from 1/4″ to 1 and 1/2″. We can also order other novelty edges for your custom pieces.
We can build and install a wide variety of each and there are many styles available such as frame-less, heavy duty, swing doors, and neo-angled.
We carry a wide variety of acrylics including plexiglass and lexan.
Glass Service Center sells a brand of heat-resistant glass known as Ceramic Glass.